Some caffeine okay during pregnancy: obstetricians

(Reuters Health) – A cup of coffee a day during pregnancy probably won’t increase a woman’s risk of miscarriage or premature birth, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said today.

Until recently, studies have had conflicting findings about the effect of moderate caffeine consumption on pregnancy complications.

But, “I think it’s time to comfortably say that it’s okay to have a cup of coffee during pregnancy,” Dr. William Barth, the chair of a College committee which reviewed the evidence, told Reuters Health.

The College’s Committee on Obstetric Practice said that 200 milligrams of caffeine a day, about the amount in a 12-ounce cup of coffee, doesn’t significantly contribute to miscarriages or premature births. That definition of “moderate caffeine consumption” would also include drinking about four 8-ounce cups of tea or more than five 12-ounce cans of soda a day, or eating six or seven dark chocolate bars.

The committee said the evidence was not clear on whether consuming more than 200 mg of caffeine a day might increase pregnancy risks.

The group considered two recent studies, each of which followed more than 1,000 pregnant women. One study, led by Dr. David Savitz of The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, found no increased rate of miscarriage for women who consumed low, moderate, or high levels of caffeine at different points in their pregnancy.

In the other, Dr. De-Kun Li and his colleagues at Kaiser Permanente’s Division of Research in Oakland found a higher risk of miscarriage in women who consumed more than 200 mg of caffeine per day, but no extra risk at lower levels.

The committee also pointed to two other studies that found that a mother’s moderate caffeine intake did not make it any more likely she would deliver a baby prematurely.

Research has shown that caffeine is able to cross the placenta, which led to worries that it could cause miscarriage or premature birth. “It’s not inert, it does have drug-like properties,” Savitz, who was not involved in producing the guidelines, told Reuters Health. And, he said, “it justifiably deserves a close look because it’s so widely used.”

In the U.S., about 16 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage and about 12 percent of babies are born prematurely.

Previous studies, Barth said, were mixed and unclear about the link between caffeine and pregnancy risks. It was the new findings from large groups of women that allowed the committee to feel confident that moderate caffeine intake was safe, and “try to bring some conclusion to the subject,” he said.

The committee statement goes along with the thinking that caffeine is “not an all-or-nothing sort of thing,” Savitz said. While some women may choose to cut out caffeine altogether during pregnancy, others might care a lot about that daily cup of coffee and just try to cut back a little – and both options are okay, he said.

Li said that while the committee report is balanced, he would recommend erring on the side of safety – even for low levels of caffeine consumption.

The committee’s opinion could help women make choices during pregnancy, Savitz said. “It’s not either shocking or alarmist or changing radically what we thought before,” he said. “But sometimes I think it’s important for authoritative groups to issue these kinds of statements. I think it can be a helpful guideline to physicians and I also think it can be helpful to women themselves.”

SOURCE: Obstetrics & Gynecology, online July 21, 2010.

Stop Losing Your Hair Now!

1. Wash your hair every other day. Some people wash it daily, but as long as your hair remains manageable and not greasy, you can probably switch to alternative days. This will protect weak new hair follicles, giving them a chance to develop more fully. It also means you will be brushing or combing your hair less often, which means less stress on your scalp and strands. 2. Forget the 100 strokes a day. A generation or two ago, women taught their daughters to brush their hair 100 strokes daily. But professionals have come to realize that lengthy brushing may loosen hair strands and pull out excess hair. A dozen strokes or so ought to be enough for most heads of hair, but consult with your hair care stylist if you have questions or feel your hair needs more attention.

3. Use a detangle product. If your hair is long or thick, or for any reason is prone to tangles or split ends, apply a conditioner that defuses tangles or a detangling cream that smoothes them before combing. When you do comb or brush your hair, it will be easier to manage and result in less breakage.

4. Don’t overuse hair care products. Too much spray, gel, or mousse, along with too much heat treatment can cause damage over time. Use products like these sensibly. Keep an eye on their effect. If your hair starts looking dry or greasy, or if the ends look dull or split, make an appointment with your hair stylist or try a deep conditioning product at home.

5. Protect your hair from the elements. Avoid too much sun on a hot day. Keep your head covered in pelting rain, cold, snow, or sleet. Humidify your home when the air gets dry. Steps like these will help to keep your hair strong and safe from potentially damaging elements.

6. Comb wet hair gently. Begin with the lower layers and gently comb in the direction the hair takes naturally. Work your way up to the scalp, carefully working through tangles or snarls. Don’t use a brush on wet hair, as it can cause breakage.
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5 Steps to Increase your Google Page Rank.

Google Page rank is based on back links. Back links are Links pointing to your website from another website. The more back links you have the higher your PR will be.

1. Join forums, forums are a great way to achieve links to your website. In most forums you are allowed to have a signature and in your signature you can put a link to your website. But another important note to look on is making sure the forum is somewhat related to your website. You will still get credit if it’s not, but if it’s related to your website than you will be accomplishing two tasks at once.

You will be advertising for your website (bringing in targeted traffic) You will also be building your websites presence.

Your websites presence is very important to your survival. The more people see, or hear about your website the more credibility you will have and this increases your chances of having these visitors come back and possibly become leads.

2. Submit to search engine directories. Search engine directories are a good way to get a free link to your website. They also increase your chances at being listed higher on popular search engines like Google, and overture.

Most search engine directories allow you to submit to their website for free. This will allow you to increase your web presence by being listed on another search engine, and it will also be a free link.

Remember the more links you have the higher your PR will be

3. Using ezine ads (or newsletters). Creating an ezine will probably be the most beneficial step you can take to increasing your web presence. When you create an ezine you will be able to keep visitors coming back to your website for more by using signatures and giving special deals.

Ezine’s will also allow you to increase your back links. By creating an ezine you can submit your information about your ezine to an ezine directory. This directory will than link to your website(thus giving you a free link).

4. Creating and publishing articles. Articles are an easy source of generating new traffic. You can include your signature in your article. This will bring in more traffic from article submission directories.

Your signature usually consists of 4 to 8 lines. Usually the first line would be the title of the website that you are trying to advertise. The last line would be the link to the website and the lines in between these would be a sales pitch to draw your viewers into your website.

5. Links from related websites. Gaining links from related websites can be one of the most frustrating tasks you can attempt.

They are very easy to find, but can be somewhat difficult to obtain links from.

To find related websites, all you have to do is go to a search engine… say Google… and type in your subject. Maybe your website is based on ford mustangs.

You go to Google and type in ford mustangs, than you look around for pages that are somewhat related to your website. After you have done this (which should be very easy) you have to contact them in some way to get your link posted on their website. This can be the most difficult task because a lot of webmasters ignore e-mail’s from people requesting links because they don’t see the importance of it at the time. Some other reasons could be that they are rarely online, or they delete spam mail and sometimes delete their important emails in the process.

Important note: When looking for link partners don’t just link with websites that have a page rank of 4 or higher. Link with anyone and everyone you get a chance to. If you link to someone that has a page rank of zero, this will not hurt your page rank. It will only increase it because you are getting a link back to your website. Google doesn’t look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simply looks at how many back links you have.

So if Google one day decided to link to a website that was just created and this website has a page rank of 0 and has a domain that goes something like this: it’s page rank wouldn’t increase even though Google’s page rank is 10, it’s rank would still be zero because it would only have that one back link.

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Original post was by : webpronews

Increase Your Alexa Rank

Free tips to help you increase your Alexa Rank for your website.

  1. Download the Alexa toolbar and surf your own site.Have a few friends download the Alexa Toolbar and surf your site.
  2. Shift the focus of your site toward a more webmaster like theme.
  3. Participate in many webmaster forums which allow you to place your site in your signature.
  4. Write articles about webmaster topics and distribute them around the web.
  5. Optimize pages of your site for Alexa and related phrases.
  6. Buy ads on search engines to increase your traffic. Your Alexa traffic rankings will increase.
  7. Write an article with tips on how to increase your Alexa rankings.
  8. Advertise that article on the world’s largest network.

Join an autosurf network which exchanges Alexa credits. <— this actually exists and they sell off some of the credits. The problem is that those are credits. They are not real visitors. They are not what you need.

Direct Hit failed as a search engine because it based a large portion of its algorithm on web traffic. Alexa ranking is highly inaccurate and easy to manipulate.

It is the quality and quantitiy of traffic to your site and how you convert those visitors that determines whether or not you will be a success. If you need help obtaining targeted traffic read my eBook. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Original Post by : SeoBook