The Secret Behind Octopus Paul

Before footie fever gripped the world, a brush with an octopus would be the exotic gourmet kinds, forkingHtapothi Makaronatha or Htapothi Stifatho or any of the Greek delicacies prepared with octopus. Now, it’sthe Octopus Paul – the oracle, the soothsayer, the official footie star who found fame without stepping anywhere near a football field. Everyone’s gaga over the resident of the Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany. So far he has managed to correctly predict the winner of every game at the tournament featuring his adopted country’s team (he’s British born but reared in Germany).

Top 10 things you need to know about World Cup star Paul the Psychic Octopus

Not just Paul, many pet owners can detect a sixth sense in their pets.

Do you have a psychic pet?

How does Paul see the future? By the way, he’s named Paul after a poem by German author Boy Lornse titled Der Tintenfisch Paul Oktopus. His keeper Oliver Walenciak believes it might have something to do with the fact that “all octopus have nine brains so we know he has exceptional powers.”

So, its not just Paul, but many psychic octopuses could be gliding around in the deep blue. Says Carl Zimmer in Slate: Octopuses can learn, they can process complex information in their heads, and they can behave in equally complex ways. But it would be a mistake to try to give octopuses an IQ score. They are not intelligent in the way we are—not because they’re dumb but because their behavior is the product of hundreds of millions of years of evolution under radically different conditions than the ones under which our own brains evolved.” The article gives a fascinating insight into the 1950 discovery of the massive brains of octopuses.

Researchers say octopuses are known to be highly intelligent and curious. This archived article from Discover explores the brainpower of an octopus.

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